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  • Writer's picturezipperblues.studios

Week 9

Updated: May 16, 2019

Filming for my documentary started, I've been able to get an interview with Ellie Hodesdon. The interview went well - she was able to answer the questions with a lot of detail - I got over 30 minutes worth of information from her.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to set up for some screen printing in her studio - it takes a lot of time and wouldn't be worth it just for a demonstration.

Ellie's new studio is a lot different to the one she had previously that I visited. It's a little smaller, and a lot less production happens. It's mostly a storage space for her prints, with a large desk at the back and a computer set up at the front where she does her digital work.

While I was able to get some footage of her working on her digital work - and her dog - I was really hoping for some practical stuff to cut away to. I'm worried that the documentary itself might seem a little boring.

I've organised an interview with Tania Eadie - owner of a store No. 22 in Glasgow, where Ellie stocks her work. I hope to get a bit more interesting shots here, her store is a very interesting place.

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