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Week 11

Updated: May 26, 2019

The Fever In The Blood project has begun filming - with such a large cast and crew - it has been difficult to work through scenes and organise everything. To start us off, we had to postpone filming on the first day early that morning because there was an issue with the main actor. This was quickly fixed so that we could carry on filming the next day as planned. We also tried to arrange a pub for one of the locations but were unable to arrange it in time, an alteration to the script was quickly made to amend this.

Second (technically first) day of filming was a little rough. We all met early morning at Scott's house to film the indoor scenes but filming didn't actually start until afternoon time by the time everyone was ready and set up. Wrap time was supposed to be 1600 that day - filming only two short scenes. By the time we actually finished the first scene, it was already 1600 as it seemed that no one wanted to follow a simple shot list. It was unfair on one of our actors who was only appearing in the second scene and had been told to come in the morning, he was waiting around all day doing nothing. We managed to finish the second scene by 1730, our actor having to leave at this time latest. Luckily we managed to wrap in time. I think the fact it was our first day filming, deciding to make up shots on the day rather than follow the shot list, and because it was such a large cast and crew, caused us to fall behind but we luckily managed to pull this around on the third day.

Third day of filming was the largest and longest scene. The beginning scene. We all arrived early to the location and set up for the actors arriving. I had a doctor's appointment and had to leave early after setting up but luckily we didn't need any lighting for the outdoor scenes, from what I was told it went a lot smoother that day although still finishing later than expected.

On the fourth day of filming, it was the last scene. Only a few members of our group were there for filming and I think it was arranged amongst them since a few of us didn't know they were even filming that day - but from the footage it seemed that everything went according to plan.

The final scene - dream sequence - is to be filmed at mine. I'm going to set up a backdrop and a table and chairs for the crew and cast arriving. I've got lights ready, the goal is to have low key lighting on the characters. It's a relatively short scene so I don't think it should take too long.

Overall, TFITB project has went okay so far, I personally feel that the groups are too big, it would have made more sense to have 3 groups rather than 2 large ones. All of the members of the group haven't been able to evenly contribute - some doing more work than others which is unfair for everyone, not only the ones doing all the work but also the others that aren't able to get their say in the project. In the future it would benefit to have smaller groups and an unanimous decision when it comes to organising important aspects of the project. Delegating a scene to each person would be a good idea to ensure that each member is equally involved with the project and feels their creative decisions are part of it.

One more scene to go before it's onto editing everything fully, Here's a sneak peek at the first scene that's been worked on.

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